Recently President Barack Obama made an announcement to
support gay marriages. Everyone has their own views on this subject whether
they are personal views or religious. Sometimes we question how much effect
music has on politics or how much of a voice artists have on political issues.
We have seen artist write songs on world issues urging people to make a
difference. We have also seen artists make public service announcements asking
their fans to make sure they register to vote.
This week Jay-Z was interviewed by CNN about his
announcement to host “Made in America” Festival in Philadelphia. He was asked
his thoughts on the President’s announcement and did he feel it would affect
his votes during the election. He stated that he felt the President made the right
choice in supporting gay marriages, that it was the right thing to do as a
human being. He also stated that even if it did cost him votes all that
mattered is that President Obama did the right thing. Jay-Z has a lot of fans
that he influences through his music, by him backing the President’s support on
gay marriages it lets his fans know where he stands on the issue.
As human beings and as residents of the United States we all
have rights and beliefs. No one wants anyone to take away his or her rights, especially
the right to love someone. The country has been torn on this issue for years
with some politicians trying to stay as far away from the subject as possible.
Some have voiced their concerns that when President Obama was running for
office in 2008 he was against gay marriages and now his views have changed.
This leads to some questions on whether you feel he was forced to do so or if
his views really changed and he formally wants to make it known. The main
question is “Do artist such as Jay-z have influence on voters to affect the way
they vote in the upcoming election?” and if they do the next question will be “Will
other artists come out against President Obama supporting gay marriages?” and “What
affect will that have?”.