Sunday, June 10, 2012

Following Your Passion

Gary Vaynerchuk has very straightforward no holds barred style of delivering his messages. The video that reinforced the direction I am currently taking to pursue my dreams is “Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!)”. For years, I was just doing music on the side as a hobby never really thinking that it something I could do successfully for a career. It was this doubt that stopped me and kept me unhappy for a long time. I was putting of going to school for a masters degree and in January started a Masters in Finance program, but my heart was not in it, I had no motivation to keep doing it even though I’m good at it. That is when it came to me, why continue to do things that seem right but feel so wrong. At that time I sorted out a program that gave me the degree but took me a step closer to my passion and that is when I settled on doing a Masters in Entertainment Business at Full Sail University.

In my opinion, the best quote that summed up the whole video and where the light bulb went off over my head was when Gary said, “There is no reason to do stuff you hate, you can lose just as much money being happy as hell”. All I could think was that he was so right about that just think how many of us are at jobs we do not like. We wake up and think “Omg do I really have to go to work today?”, it would be great for once to say “Omg I can’t wait to get to work!”.  Paul Graham says in his essay How to Do What You Love, “To be happy I think you have to be doing something you not only enjoy, but admire.”, that phrase speaks volumes. That is how I feel about music I do not just love it or enjoy it, I admire it. I admire the songwriters who tell about their personal experiences through melodies. I admire the singers and musicians who can make you feel each emotion that song is trying to express. I admire the memories or thoughts you think about when you listen to different songs. I also admire all the music industry execs that followed their own dream to spread music to the world and help others share their gifts. I am looking forward to the day when I say “I can’t wait to get to work!”, if I was not determined before watching Gary Vaynerchuk’s video I am truly inspired now.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

NARIP- National Association of Record Industry Professionals

The National Association of Record Industry Professionals is a great way to gain knowledge about the industry and have opportunities of continued education within the industry. It is right now the biggest music network in the world. Some of the different services provided are job sources, resume assistance and database, mentor network, newsletter, and many more services. Members of the NARIP have an outline of services provided and there is even a membership profile database provided on the site.

To provide continued industry education NARIP had a section dedicated to different events and industry related seminars. Music is indirectly related to a lot of other industry and the different sessions provided help members understand what the music needs are for these various industries of film & TV, gaming, trailers, and advertising. Top supervisors from each of these areas provide knowledge on their specific industry’s music needs.

There is also a section in the NARIP website for membership benefits. There is a section for recommended music attorneys and mediators. Career strategy sessions are another benefit that is available to members it helps you create a self-marketing plan for your goals. As I mentioned before they also provide a resume and professional profile makeover service, members can receive this service at a discounted price compared to nonmembers. Lastly there is a mentor program available only available to members of NARIP. There is an application process and an application fee of $35, now mentors are the ones who choose who they work with based on the information in your application.

This association is great for anyone trying to build their network and expand their business. Through the membership list you are connected to various people in the industry worldwide. Any member taking advantage of the conferences, seminars, and various member benefits will see a significant change in their business.