Copyright vs. Universal Access
This podcast is on the side of the consumer being accused of
copyright infringement. Companies are using the law wrongfully and not really going
through the proper channels of checking to find out the information. They have
companies that search keywords or names to make sure no one is using it
improperly. This can lead to some confusing as the example in the podcast of a
professor with the last name Usher that is the same as the R&B singer Usher.
That professor is loading mp3’s of his lectures not songs of the artist, but
because of the similar name his information is being taken off the site under
the grounds of copyright infringement.
Trademarks and Logos
Facebook is trying to trademark the word “Face”. A trademark must be associated with the
product. If using it commonly and not is social networking you can still use
the word “Face”. For example another
computer company cannot sell computers under the name Apple. That will be
direct violation of their trademark. This bring me to the question of the word
“Face” now if Facebook trademarks the word “Face” will that stop the Apple
application of FaceTime. There is a very thin line on what you can use as long
as it is not being used in the same way as the company or person that has the
trademark registered.
Samsung v Apple patent lawsuit
Apple, Inc. argues that Samsung is making smartphones and tablets
similar to the iPad and iPhones. That Samsung wants to capitalize on the
success of Apple, Inc., they didn’t go after Android or Google but went after
the particular companies that actually made the phones since each company
tweaks the style of the phone. The argument is that no one was making
smartphone in the similar style until the iPhone with the touchscreen, before
that phones had a keyboard similar to the Blackberry. As they stated in the
podcast Apple, Inc. came out with something that was totally different than
what was being presented at that time, so another company can think of an
original design that is different than an iPhone. What company will come up
with new trend in cell phone designs?