Sunday, August 5, 2012

Interview with Dierdra Massey of AllNite Radio

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Deirdra “LadyEbony” Massey Co-Owner of AllNite Radio. Over a year ago Deirdra took her love of music and turned a dream she had with her two partners Niesha Branch and Adrian “DJ Allnite” Long into a reality. She gets to wear two hats at AllNite Radio as a radio personality and one of the owners. As a personality you get to see her fun and playful side and her expression and love for music. She takes you on a musical journey and you can’t help but dance in your seat. As one of the owners she knows how to get the job done. Making sure things run as smoothly as possible with her take charge attitude. Deirdra definitely knows how to work hard and play hard for her love of music.

Q:  Do you find it easier to negotiate a deal with a friend or a stranger?

A:  Strangers for me are easier to do business with. I find that with strangers they are more “business-like” with you. Friends can be more casual.

Q:  In the deal you negotiate do you normally come to mutually beneficial agreements?

A:  If yes, does it take a long time to get to that agreement? Deals that mutually benefits both situations are better to negotiate and faster for me because both have already laid out their wants and needs and can come to and understanding.

Q:  What had been your hardest deal to make so far?

A:  Hardest deal was my first live event for our DJ and getting the owner to realize that having our DJ was the best idea then getting him to pay for his accommodations and his fee.

Q:  What deal to date has been your proudest moment?

A:  Securing the interview with MC Lyte.

Q:  Is hard to separate your emotions when making your deals?

A:  It is never hard to separate business when making deals. Always remember it is business.

Q:  Have you ever resorted to using dirty tricks to make a deal happen?

A:  No, it’s never worth given up ethical business practices.

Q:  What was your reason for not using dirty tricks?

A:  When you are trying to establish a name in any type of business you want to always develop a code of ethics that your brand is based upon and you never want to tarnish that by using dirty tricks.

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