Saturday, April 7, 2012

Madonna is #1 Again!

Earlier last week I was having a conversation with friends about old school artists and what they are doing now and whom we wanted to see in concert. Madonna’s name came up and everyone wanted to go see her but only if she did all her old songs. Most people didn’t want to hear any of her new material. That lead to everyone singing his or her favorite Madonna song out loud and very off key I might add. So you know mine was Like a Virgin, I just love that song.  Some mentioned her new album is going to be #1 on the charts, which led to a whole other discussion, on if we thought it deserved.

Madonna has been in the industry since the 1980’s and has been through and seen a lot of changes within the industry. Different ways of promoting, interviews, touring, and reaching your fan base. Madonna decided not to do traditional promotions of going on talk shows to talk about her album. She instead did a live Twitter chat and a giveaway on Spotify. Madonna also used that has their homepage just dedicated to her album MDNA and is selling physical and digital copies for half price ($7.99). This brings more traffic to the website of Madonna fans who probably might not have gone to the site and faithful members to Madonna’s new music.

It has also been reported that Madonna’s album was attached to tickets for her recent tour. So when fans purchased a ticket they could receive either a digital download from iTunes or a physical copy sent to them. Of course this will boost her tickets sales, right now it is not determined how much of her album sales can be connected to concert ticket purchases but you can assume they a decent about of sales came from tickets.

At the end of the day whether love the old or new Madonna, you cannot deny that she is a smart businesswoman. Taking the lessons she has learned and using new ways and ideas. Showing that after all these years she still is a top contender in the industry.

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