Saturday, July 28, 2012

Major vs Independent

In the past it was an artist’s dream to be on a major label, become famous, and make a lot of money. As time as gone by and the industry is more transparent we all have learned that is not an easy task. Artist would focus on the big advance they would receive to start their project but never realized the long-term obligations that came with it. Artist could not just rely on their record sales to earn income, they had to tour and sell merchandise since the money from record sales were going to paying back record label royalties.

Artists in the past few years have not went the way of the major label but have done a lot of independent work. With the help of the Internet and social media an artist can build their fan base in multiple cities and countries without even going to perform there. They can now sell their music online to their fan base instead of out of the truck of their car.

In the video below Owen Husney talks about artist development at major labels. That recently they are looking for a packaged deal instead of trying to help an artist build their brand. I think if an artist has already gained a fan base on their own and is looking to expand then eventually going the major routine would be beneficial to them. On the other side of that there are artists who are now finding their voices. They are not sure exactly what direction they want to take their music or even who exactly is their fan base. Those types of artists need a helping hand where they will probably find at an independent label. Working with them closely to build their brand and fan base whether it’s by touring or through social media.

At the end of the day each artist has to weigh out the pros and cons of their own particular situation. Do some research before making any deal and get a full understanding of what they are getting themselves into. There is no right or wrong ways of going into the industry, but you also don’t want to go in blindly. 

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